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What Is Your Goal?


Every business has a goal that they are trying to reach. Most of the goals will lead to Revenue which is the income you receive as a result of what you have sold. You should have a revenue goal for yourself, and you want to track this on a regular basis. In order to set your goal ask yourself the following questions:

1.What income am I trying to obtain by the end of the year?

  • Track this weekly and then look for trends: What is selling? Who is buying my products, services?

  • But make sure not to make changes too early, don't panic. The end of each month see if you need to market your stronger seller more, or maybe drop non-sellers.

2.Is this goal realistic?

There is the S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting System you can use to see where are. Here is the definition of it.

S =Specific (Is the goal to0 general?)

M =Measurable (How do I monitor the progress?)

A=Achievable (Can I make this happen in the time I set out to do it?)

R=Realistic (Is this practical?)

T=Timely (Am I motivated to complete this goal by the date I set?)

The key to accomplishing any goal will come down to this word: Consistency!

"The difference between the good and the great? CONSISTENCY. Consistency in habits, discipline and mindset." Kevin Dart, Vice President Ticket Sales NY Yankees"

Keep it simple: Set the goal and go get it!

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