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Keys to Selling: The 3 P's

There are 3 P's you will need to focus on BEFORE you try to sell anyone. You can use this as a framework to see if what you are selling is going to work. Let's jump into this!


The product (or service) must be a solution to a problem. What problem does your product solve? When it is purchased what are the benefits they will receive? Will they have more time for themselves? Are the sneakers more comfortable and softer than what they would typically buy? Your product should always solve a problem!


We tend to think EVERYONE needs our product, but that's not true. But, there is SOMEONE that does need it! Think and write down your market: those who can use the product. I might not be interested in a cool looking T-Shirt, but maybe ages 10-17 might be.

For this age group, new clothes are always a want and if it solves a problem (a unique logo maybe to stand out?) then you are well on your way.


Now...WHERE are these people? Schools, athletics, college, workplace, neighbors? Find them by simple searches via Google and start there. Don't neglect those you know (i.e your Network). Compile a list and get going. See if you can DM them via social media, get an email address and yes...even a phone number!

Put these 3 P's together to help you focus on the market you can help and serve.

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