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Accountability is simply being responsible for your actions. Doing what you said you would do, that's it. So in order to Deliver on what you said you would do, it is vital that you....

  • Do not over promise on anything! If shipping is in 7 days do not say 4. If a client asks can they get it in 4, just says "We ship within 7 days. This way you will get the product you want in a timely manner. We don't make any false promises. I am quite sure you can appreciate that."

  • Integrity is everything. Put yourself in the buyer's seat...would YOU like someone to lie to you about a sales transaction?

  • Deliver! If it's a proposal you need to send out, send it. If you need to get back to someone on an answer to someone do it.

When someone buys from you, they trust you will be accountable and deliver on what you said you would do it. Just...Do...It!!

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